Bootcamp Install Windows 7 Expanding Windows Files

Installing windows again on my new m4 - the installation got stuck on expanding windows files at 65%. It's been like that for about 10 mins now. Should I restart. 16-12-11, 04:30. Install via a usb 3.0 stick. Faster than disc. Aug 02, 2012 For the boot camp homestead windows 7 drivers you could desire to have Snow Leopard put in by using fact the MAC OS. You could then acquire the replace for homestead windows 7 boot camp and burn it to a cd or throw it on a flash tension then deploy it to the homestead windows 7 area of issues. You could manually acquire the boot camp replace.
I've spent last 48 hours trying to fight the fate (and I know there's been a lot of discussions around this issues). But whatever I do my windows 7 64x would not proceed and is stuck at Expanding Windows Files Stage. What I've Done: - I have a pack of DVDs - both native one (OEM) and one from torrents (written at 16x - oh how stupid was I back then and how naive, 4x and finally 2x and 1x speeds) - in vain - I also created a bootable flash drive to use instead of DVD - did not make any difference - I tried testing and removing my RAM, one at a time, changed slots, etc. Memtest runs like a charm, 3 runs with windows utility (and in-bios utility). - I tried to disable EVERYTHING in BIOS I could find - including support for legacy USB drives (not when I was trying USB though - it would not find it). Could not find any mentioning of Floppy, or Tech Bridge, Or K9 (which helped some other people). - I tried to eject-reinsert the DVD drive while installing (as some people reported it helped).
- I even switched SATA cables, swapped SATA cables and switched off everything else except for PS2 Keyboard (even USB mouse was gone), HDD and DVD - I formatted my HDD and I used both 'delete partition' and 'format partition' - on the dialogue where you choose where to install windows. - I booted from Boot Disk Utility to check HDD for bad sectors and format it again. - Finally I tried some vodoo magic which apparently proved ineffective as well. I am still sitting here and looking at 'Expanding Windows Files 0%', wondering if there is a chance for me to get this done. My specs: i-5 2500k - processor P67S-C43 (B) Motherboard GeForce 560 Ti video 8 (4 Gb x 2 sticks) Ram WD Blue 320 GB HDD Would appreciate greatly any help and suggestions. This same PC did not have any issues installing windows last year, when I assembled it.
So you've tried 4 different copies and a USB boot of Win 7? I ran into this problem myself awhile back, but I really doubt it'll help you any. I was trying to overclock and it failed, and I guess it somehow corrupted my install of Win 7.
Every time I tried to reinstall on the HDD that Win was originally installed on, it would hang up on Expanding. I ended up having to get another HDD, install on that one, and format the original HDD before reinstalling Yep 4 differend DVDs and USB flash drive. Same with me - I was in the middle of Battlefield when everything got really slow and PC never booted up back, restore did not help.
Porantha veeda puguntha veeda serial title song list. So I just decided to format the disk (all data is on the other one anyway) and install it clean - its been a year with this system. And here we go. I wonder if I should RMA hard drive first then. RAM after all - I tried both sticks separately, hardly they both developed the same damage? I also have some old ones but they won't fit into the slots on the motherboard.
- суббота 16 февраля
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