Grinev S V Vvedenie V Terminovedenie 1993

Harry potter deathly hallows part 2 crack only assassin. © The Editorial Team of Linguistic Studies Linguistic Studies Volume 29, 2014, pp. 115-122 Customs Term as Unit of Ukrainian Sectoral Terminology System Vira Deyneka Article first published online: October 10, 2014 Additional information Author Information: Vira M.

Deyneka, Senior Lecturer at Department of Ukrainian Studies, Donetsk National University of Economics and Trade named after Mykhayilo Tugan-Baranovsky. Correspondence: Citation: Deyneka, V. Customs Term as Unit of Ukrainian Sectoral Terminology System [Text] / V. Deyneka // Linguistic Studies: collection of scientific papers / Donetsk National University; Ed. Fastfilms color separation software for corel. – Donetsk: DonNU, 2014.

Terminoznanie: Osnovy i metody [Tekst] / L. Morozova – M.: GNO «Prometej» MPGU, 2004. Leave a Comment Cancel reply Your email address will not be published.

– ISBN 966-7277-88-7 Publication History: Volume first published online: October 10, 2014.