Hughes And Kettner Tubeman Mk1 Manual Arts Service

History Technology of Tone. Is what we've been about from day one. And since that day, we've been living up to our performance promise of making great tone accessible to discerning players. Designed with sophisticated simplicity in mind, our tone-sculpting tools are conduits for inspiration. Plug in, put on unforgettable performances, and relish those magic moments in a guitarist's life.

6 user reviews on Hughes & Kettner Tubeman MKI. First tube amp. Works on amp or PA system. Guitar, bass and keyboard UTILIZATION. Baby & children Computers & electronics Entertainment & hobby. Martial arts equipment Skateboarding & skating Smoke machines Sport.

But great tone is not alchemy or weird science. It's a capability built on passion and know-how. Even after all the years marked by so many milestone achievements, that passion burns as brightly as ever. HUGHES & HERR KETTNER When Mr. Hughes and Herr Kettner first met, Mr. Hughes was on a tone quest, looking to enrich players' sonic palette with more soulful means of expression.

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A glockenspiel's chime, the snap and snarl of a junkyard dog, the seductive wail of Siren's song, the thunderous rush of a passing freight train, the howling of a keening jackal, the malevolent grind of a chainsaw biting into metal - could an amp really be made to do all this? Engineering whiz Herr Kettner had his eyes on a very different prize. Envisaging a compact amp that would deliver fully-formed sounds including effects at the touch of a button, he sought to do what has never been done before.

And he wasn't averse to doing better what has already been done. So began an impassioned collaboration that continues to this day.

SWITCHBLADE MK I This was the world's first fully programmable analog tube amp.In 2006, the evolutionary advance set into motion by the AS64 22 years earlier culminated in the Switchblade. Its recipe for success was to replace the potentiometers found on conventional amps with Programmable Resistor Networks. Each of these rotary controls consists of 256 individual resistors and 256 switches, and a memory with the ability to recall every switch’s position. The amp saves every knob’s setting and can recall it at the touch of a button. Only Hughes & Kettner has mastered the science of conjuring 128 sounds out of a tube amp without having to turn a knob!

COREBLADE The Coreblade is widely hailed as the world’s most advanced professional tube amplifier for the touring artist. It's as programmable as the Switchblade; what's more, it saves sounds straight from the amp to USB stick so artists can travel with no more than an axe and a stick. Coreblade owners can even swap sounds in a flash. And courtesy of TSC (Tube Safety Control), it's peerless when it comes to reliability. Who would have thought tube management could be a blessing rather than a burden for busy gigging guitarists and their technicians? With peace of mind built in, a maintenance-free tube power amp is certainly a valuable asset on the road.

But the confidence that comes with knowing the amp will shine with stellar tone at every venue is priceless. That’s progress in the spirit of rock 'n' roll. TUBEMEISTER In these amps went Mr. Hughes and Herr Kettner's consummate craft and over a quarter of a century's passion for tube tone; out came TubeMeister, a remarkably compact and beautifully designed instrument. With the benefit of German engineering, TubeMeister can go from clean to mean and from a roar to a whisper, shaking planks on stage, tingling spines in the studio, and raising goose-bumps in the still of night.

The built-in power soak brings the sound of the big stage into players' own four walls, and the integrated Red Box lets them lay down professional-quality tracks direct to desk any time day or night. GRANDMEISTER GrandMeister offers all the features that made the TubeMeister series so successful, plus our proprietary Programmable Resistor Network pots introduced in 2006 with the Switchblade.

Hughes And Kettner Tubeman Mk1 Manual Arts Service

They put the marvel of fully programmable tube tone at players' fingertips. And the GrandMeister's Smart Rotary Controls can also be remote-controlled in real-time via standard MIDI CC commands using any MIDI controller, expression pedals and even an app for iPad. This free app lets players do lots of useful things with presets – store 'em, download 'em from the Web to the amp, and share 'em with friends. And best of all, every glorious sound that GrandMeister conjures is resplendent with analog, all-tube tone.(iPad is a trademark of Apple Inc.). TRIAMP MARK 3 TriAmp Mark 3 is the astonishing result of 30 years of passion, knowhow and expertise combined with an absolute freedom of engineering. Featuring a range of professional guitar sounds not offered by any other amp anywhere on the planet, TriAmp Mark 3 offers players breathtaking versatility, inspirational tonality, and unparalleled ease and joy of use. It’s a totally new experience for guitarists: each of TriAmp Mark 3’s six independent channels represents a whole era of tone, and each can be routed to three independent tube power amps.