Mehrobdan Chayon Kino

• Elif Batuman The Possessed: Adventures with Russian Books and the. 2011 'literary-historical landmark I had been waiting for: the emergence of an indigenous novel form. Abdulla Qodiriy's Past Days, considered to be the first Uzbek novel, was serialized in the magazine in 1922–25. ' • Bayram Rahimguliyev The fate of the first Turkmen novel: From the Bloody Claw. - 2009 - Page 40 O 'tgan Kunlar (Days Gone By) by Abdulla Qodiriy, Quluq Qon (Holy Blood) by Muso Toshmuhammadogli Aybek and Tushda.

This article about a 1920s novel is a. You can help Wikipedia.


Muallif “Mehrobdan chayon” romanini siyosiy tazyiqlar kuchaygan yillarda yozib tugatdi. Muallif niyatini niqoblashga majbur bo‘lib, turli yo‘l qidirgan va buni uddalagan. Qodiriy so‘zboshida mavzuni siyosiy jihatdan bo‘rttirib, fikrini tagmatnga singdirib, siyosiy g‘oya qidiruvchilarni chalg‘itishga erishgan. “Mehrobdan chayon” romani yozuvchi izohi bilan Xudoyorxon va munshiylari hayotidan tarixiy ro’mon bo’lib, unda Qo’qon xoni Xudoyorxonning noodil siyosati, insofsiz ulamolar, o’sha davrning og’ir hayot tarzi, oddiy xalqning ahvoloti haqida so’z boradi. Pdf distributed operating system pk sinha computer.

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