The Art Of Shaolin Kung Fu By Wong Kiew Kit Pdf Compressor

Can you guys elaborate a bit? Back when I first acquired an interest in chi kung Sifu Wong Kiew Kit's books and website were sort of like an 'initiatory' experience for me. I had some good results practicing two of the chi kung forms he described (I believe they were 'Lifting the Sky' and 'Drawing the Moon'). The thing that bugged me about him and his school is that he tended to constantly repeat the same things over and over, almost like they were articles of religious faith, and his students would emulate him. The way he used to talk about how 'masters' are so precious made me uncomfortable as well. Did anyone have similar misgivings? Also, I remember Wong Kiew Kit mentioning something awhile back about wanting to demonstrate to people outside his school that internal martial arts really can be used for effective fighting.

The art of shaolin kung fu by wong kiew kit pdf compressor reviews

Did anything ever come of this? Can you guys elaborate a bit? Back when I first acquired an interest in chi kung Sifu Wong Kiew Kit's books and website were sort of like an 'initiatory' experience for me. I had some good results practicing two of the chi kung forms he described (I believe they were 'Lifting the Sky' and 'Drawing the Moon'). The thing that bugged me about him and his school is that he tended to constantly repeat the same things over and over, almost like they were articles of religious faith, and his students would emulate him. The way he used to talk about how 'masters' are so precious made me uncomfortable as well. Did anyone have similar misgivings?

Shaolin kung-fu trainingfrom beginning to the highest level of the monks of Shaolin temple Shaolin. The Complete Book of Shaolin by Wong Kiew Kit.epub. Jan 25, 2018 - Contents • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Internal and external arts described martial arts in terms of Shaolin or 'external' arts versus or arts in 1669. Need for speed underground 2.

Also, I remember Wong Kiew Kit mentioning something awhile back about wanting to demonstrate to people outside his school that internal martial arts really can be used for effective fighting. Did anything ever come of this?

I pretty had a similar experience that you had, and kind of view Wong Kiew Kit in the same category as Yang Jwing Ming. For a beginner, the books are great. I have a few friends that bought some of his (Wong Kiew Kit's) books as an introduction to martial arts, or an introduction to certain types of meditation/qigong, to get the history, a little modern background, and some moves (and they are very good at doing that). It's not that Wong Kiew Kit's stuff is inherently bad or without substance.

I just branched out and found other guys that were more my style, provided methods that vibed with me more, and overall I felt could sustain me in the long term. I honestly don't know much about him personally, his lineage, or stuff like that. If one has misgivings about him, then in my opinion find someone else who gives you everything that you need.

Some people get into Wong Kiew Kit's stuff and stick with it, I didn't. Then again, I never trained with him personally or been to a class of his or anyone affiliated with him, it was mostly stuff I checked out from his books, I didn't feel the need to pursue what he taught in person. Maybe someone who has trained with him personally would have a much different opinion Edited January 5, 2010 by Sloppy Zhang. I like Yang Jwing Ming. Reliable scholarly info.much more trustworthy than WKK!

His embryonic breathing book, from what I've heard, and from seeing a preview on the web, has good instruction. However, YJM's stuff isn't meant to be a good guide for a beginner to practice from. Funny you should mention the Embryonic Breathing book, Scotty, as I took it out again yesterday after not looking through it for a while. I'm looking for info on the Mud Pill Palace for some reason I'm going to post something from the book later when I get the chance. You should get it, I think you'd be very happy with it, from what I can sense about you. I would keep in mind that almost any teacher of any repute has been called into question on this forum. Mantak Chia, Lama Dorje, Michael Winn, David Verdesi, Wang Liping, Waysun Liao, the list goes on and on.