U 34 37 V Opisanie Mestnosti Po Topograficheskoj Karte

U 34 37 V Opisanie Mestnosti Po Topograficheskoj Karte

• Sairan Bayandinova • 1 • Zheken Mamutov • 2 • Gulnura Issanova • 3 • 4 • 1. Faculty of Geography and Environmental Sciences Al-Farabi Kazakh National University Almaty Kazakhstan • 2. Faculty of Geography and Environmental Sciences Al-Farabi Kazakh National University Almaty Kazakhstan • 3. Research Center of Ecology and Environment of Central Asia (Almaty),State Key Laboratory of Desert and Oasis Ecology, Xinjiang Institute of Ecology and Geography Chinese Academy of Sciences Urumqi China • 4. Uspanov Kazakh Research Institute of Soil Science and Agrochemistry Almaty Kazakhstan About this chapter.

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Sedelnikov AN (1898) Geobotanicheskoe opisanie Naryimskoy dolinyi na Altae (Geobotanical description of the Narym valley in Altai). Nauka, Moscow, p 133 Google Scholar Scientific and application-oriented reference manual on climate of the USSR (1989) publ. 18: Kazakh SSR. Ibsurgeon first aid cracked 1918 -- 1956 Opyt hudozhestvennogo issledovaniya YMCA-PRESS, 11, rue de la Montagne Ste-Genevie`ve, Paris 5 So stesneniem v serdce ya godami vozderzhivalsya ot pechataniya etoj uzhe gotovoj knigi: dolg pered eshche zhivymi pereveshival dolg pered umershimi.