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Roughly 40 years ago, I showed up at a prominent music executive’s office for an appointment that had been scheduled suspiciously late in the workday. But I wasn’t suspicious. I was instead eager to try to place some of my original songs with artists he represented. One of my songs had appeared on the Eagles album “One of These Nights,” and I was hoping to turn songwriting into a career. I brought along a cassette tape of my material, but I don’t remember what the executive said about the songs. Nor do I recall what we talked about.

I remember the sky turning dark outside the window behind his desk. I remember sensing that people had left the building and we were there alone. I remember his face, his hair and what he was wearing. The Kavanaugh confirmation • • • • • • • What happened next, though, is indelible. Install pythonmagick windows. He crossed the room. There was a dark-green carpet, but his footsteps seemed loud, hard.

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He was against me, on top of me — so quickly — with his hands under my skirt and his mouth on mine, that I froze. I lay there as he pushed himself inside me. The leather couch stuck to my skin, made noises beneath me. His breath smelled like coffee and stale bread. He didn’t use a condom. I remember leaving afterward, driving home, the night around me glittered with streetlights and alive with people out at dinner or bars. I felt alone, ashamed and disgusted with myself.

Why didn’t I get out of there? Why didn’t I push him off? Why did I freeze? I don’t remember what month it was. I don’t remember whether his assistant was still there when I arrived. I don’t remember whether we said anything to each other when I left his office.

I never told anyone for decades — not a friend, not a boyfriend, not a therapist, not my husband when I got married years later. It doesn’t surprise me one bit that for more than 30 years, Christine Blasey Ford didn’t talk about the assault she remembers, the one she accuses Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of committing. It’s important to understand how memory works in a traumatic event. Ford has been criticized for the things she doesn’t remember, like the address where she says the assault happened, or the time of year, or whose house it was. But her memory of the attack itself is vivid and detailed.

His hand over her mouth, another young man piling on, her fear that maybe she’d die there, unable to breathe. That’s what happens: Your memory snaps photos of the details that will haunt you forever, that will change your life and live under your skin.

It blacks out other parts of the story that really don’t matter much.

VANCOUVER - Tourism in British Columbia is outpacing provincial economic growth as a record-breaking number of tourists visit the region, the tourism minister says. Xender apps download on mobile9. Lisa Beare told tourism operators at their annual conference Friday that the industry added $9 billion to B.C.' S gross domestic product in 2017, well above the province's economic growth of four per cent that year, marking an increase of more than 6.7 per cent from a year earlier.

“It goes to show people really value the unique, authentic experiences you can get in B.C.,” Beare said in an interview. Tourism revenues increased by 41 per cent between 2007 to 2017, she said, adding the numbers reveal the sector added the largest value to the provincial economy over that decade, relative to the oil and gas, mining, forestry, logging and fishing industries. “We're the third-largest industry,” Beare said. “We definitely anticipate increased growth here in B.C.” Beare said the government forecasts tourism to grow by six per cent annually for the next several years.

The government's recent budget forecast the province's economy to increase by 2.4 per cent this year and 2.3 per cent next year. Is a destination of choice for people,” she said, adding the province's natural beauty attracts visitors from around the world. Beare said the industry employs more than 137,000 people and their wages are rising by almost seven per cent annually. She said there are more than 19,000 tourism-related businesses that include over 400 Indigenous tourism experiences. More than six million tourists visited B.C. In 2018, said Beare, adding that's a record and a 6.4 per cent increase over 2017. Beare told tourism operators at their annual conference the government will implement a plan to guide year-round tourism growth and protect the environment.