Zvuk Skretch Plastinki

Similar words:  (1.00) (1.00) (0.50) (0.50) (0.50) sc I Security Council of the United Nations noun Sovet Bezopasnosti OON II South Carolina noun Yuzhnaya Karolina III SubCommittee noun podkomitet scAP Supreme Commander Allied Powers noun Verhovnyi glavnokomanduyushii ob'edinennymi vooruzhennymi silami NATO scAS scan String scB Subsystem Control Block [IBM] scC; *1. Serial Communications Controllers; *2. Synchronous Channel Check [IBM] scD Standard Color Display scF System Control Facility scIFI scIence Fiction noun nauchnaya fantastika scM Software Configuration Management scO Santa Cruz Operation (Software Company) scP; *1. Reclaime file recovery ultimate keygen software free.

Zvuk Skretch Plastinki

Save Cursor Position; *2. Subsystem Control Port; *3.

System Control Program scR script (file name extension) scR Silicon Controlled Rectifier scRN screen (video display) scS Structured Cabling System, strukturirovannaya kabel'naya sistema scSI Small Computer System Interface, interfeis malyh vychislitel'nyh sistem (standart) scD Doctor of science noun doktor (estestvennyh) nauk scandinavian 1> skandinav; skandinavka _Ex: the scandinavians skandinavy 2> _sobir. Skandinavskie yazyki 3> skandinavskii scarborough warning 1> zapozdaloe preduprezhdenie; neozhidannost', vnezapnost' 2> rasprava bez suda schadenfreude 1> _nem.

The Plastiki is a 60-foot (18 m) catamaran made out of 12,500 reclaimed plastic bottles and other recycled PET plastic and waste products. Michael Pawlyn of Exploration Architecture worked on the concept design with David de Rothschild and helped to shape some of the key ideas. Creation of world - the Flood, for the chorus and orchestra (premiered 1964), ordered by Radio Belgrade 3rd Programme, literary sketch by L. Recording: Radio Belgrade, Chorus and Orchestra of the RTB, the author conducts.

Zloradstvo scheldt noun r. Shel'da schiedam noun gollandskii dzhin schwyz 1> shvic (poroda molochnogo skota) science and Art Department 1> upravlenie po delam nauki i iskusstva sclav = Slav, Slavonic sclavonic = Slav, Slavonic scorpio 1> Skorpion (sozvezdie i znak zodiaka) 2> chelovek, rodivshiisya pod znakom Skorpiona scorpius 1> (S.)Skorpion (sozvezdie i znak zodiaka) 2> chelovek, rodivshiisya pod znakom Skorpiona scot 1> shotlandec 2> _ist. Skott _Ex: Picts and scots pikty i skotty scot. Scotland noun Shotlandiya scotch 1> (the scotch) _sobir. Shotlandcy (upotr.

Neshotlandcami) 2> shotlandskii dialekt (upotr. Neshotlandcami) 3> _razg. Skotch, shotlandskoe viski _Ex: a glass of scotch ryumka viski _Ex: small scotch malen'kaya ryumochka viski _Ex: scotch and a shower of bubbles viski s sodovoi 4> shotlandskii (upotr. Neshotlandcami) _Ex: scotch cap (bonnet) shapochka gornyh shotlandcev _Ex: scotch kale shotlandskaya krasnokochannaya kapusta 5> _am. Puritanskii, surovyi 6> _am.

Skupoi, prizhimistyi _Id: scotch answer otvet v forme voprosa scotch blackface 1> _s-h. Shotlandskaya chernomordaya (poroda ovec) scotch broth 1> shotlandskaya pohlebka (s perlovoi krupoi i ovoshami) scotch collops 1> myaso po-shotlandski (rublenoe, podzharennoe s lukom) scotch egg 1> yaico po-shotlandski (zapechennoe v kolbasnom farshe) scotch fir 1> _bot. Sosna lesnaya ili obyknovennaya (Pinus sylvestris) scotch mist 1> gustoi tuman s morosyashim dozhdem scotch pine 1> _bot. Sosna lesnaya ili obyknovennaya (Pinus sylvestris) scotch rose 1> _bot. Roza kolyucheishaya (Rosa spinosissima) scotch tape 1> skotch, kleikaya lenta (kancelyarskaya) scotch terrier 1> shotlandskii ter'er (ohotnich'ya sobaka) scotch verdict 1> verdikt 'vina ne dokazana' (dopuskaetsya v sudah Shotlandii) 2> polovinchatoe reshenie; neubeditel'nyi vyvod scotch whisky 1> skotch, shotlandskoe viski (iz yachmenya) scotch-Irish 1> _am. Shotlandsko-irlandskii, otnosyashiisya k immigrantam iz Severnoi Irlandii iz chisla lic shotlandskogo proishozhdeniya 2> _am. Smeshannogo shotlandsko-irlandskogo proishozhdeniya scotchman 1> shotlandec (v rechi neshotlandcev) _Id: Flying scotchman ekspress 'London - Edinburg' _Id: scotchman's cinema ploshad' Pikkadilli (v Londone) scotchwoman 1> shotlandka (v rechi neshotlandcev) scotic 1> otnosyashiisya k drevnim skottam scoticism 1> shotlandizm scotland Yard 1> Skotland-Yard (central'noe upravlenie policii v Londone) scoto- 1> v slozhnyh slovah imeet znachenie: shotlandskii _Ex: scoto-Irish shotlandsko-irlandskii scots 1> (the scots) _sobir.