Igra Karti Durak

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Forfeiting a Game Closing or leaving the website before finishing a started game will result in a loss. There are a different variations for the card game, Durak. The Durak Challenge implements the rules listed below. Traditionally there are no winners for Durak, only the loser. Being that this game is of only two opponents, the opponent that didn't lose will be considered the winner. Object of the Game To be rid of all cards from your hand before the computer rids its hand of all cards once all the cards in the deck are dealt and no other move may be made by the computer.

The Card Deck The deck consists of 36 cards that include four suits of 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, jack, queen, king and ace. Value of cards is considered as ranked from low to high. The Deal You and computer are dealt six cards each. Cards are concealed from the opposing player. One card from the deck is then turned face up and placed under the deck, rotated perpendicular to the remaining cards of the deck to expose its value to all players. That one card determines trump suit (all cards of the same suit are trumps) and is the last card from the deck to be dealt. Trumps rank higher than all cards of any other suit.

If you have five or more cards of the same suit at the start of a game, you will be given the option to have all cards added back to deck, the deck reshuffled and dealt again known here as a 'redeal'. Playing the Game The play consists of a series of attacks with an attacker and a defender. The attacker attacks one card at a time while the defender defends each attacking card with one defending card until the attacker ends the attack or the defender accepts cards.

The attacker ends an attack when the attacker can no longer attack or chooses not to attack. The defender accepts cards when the defender can no longer defend or chooses not to defend an attack. If the defender accepts cards, the attacker may add additional applicable attacking cards to the attack, all attacking cards as well as defending cards in the current attack are added to the defenders hand. The attack is then concluded. The hands are replenished and the attacker begins a new attack. If the defender successfully defends all attacking cards, the defender beats the attack and has the option of forfeiting the defense by accepting cards anyway or becoming the attacker.

If the defender accepts anyway, all the same rules apply as if the defender never beat the last attacking card except that in the case of forfeiting the defense, the attacker may not add additional attacking cards to the attack. If the defender chooses to become the attacker, all attacking and defending cards of the current attack are removed from the game, the attack is concluded, hands are replenished and the defender becomes the attacker by beginning the next attack. Note: The computer will never forfeit a successful defense.

Replenishing Hands At the conclusion of each attack, if the attacker of the concluded attack has less than six cards in hand, cards are drawn from the top of the deck and added to the attackers hand until the attacker has once again six cards in hand or until the deck is empty. The defenders hand is replenished after the attacker in the same manner if less than six cards in hand. Once the deck is empty, hands are no longer replenished. Who attacks first? Until a game is played that results in a winner, the hand with the lowest ranking trump determines the first attacker. The lowest ranking trump is exposed to both players to ensure integrity. If neither hand has a trump, the player (not the computer) is considered the first attacker.


Once a winner is determined, the winner is the first attacker of the next game. Rules for the Attack The attacker may choose any card from hand for the first attack card.